Messing About in Boats

It’s that time of the year.

Snow still blankets the mountains. Snow removal trucks continue to lumber up and down wintry roads. Birds have not yet started migrating back.

Even so, in Washington, white water rafting is beginning to rise to the surface of outdoor lovers’ minds like a steelhead to a well-cast fly.

If you are an outdoor professional, or want to be an outdoor professional, there is no simpler means of putting your toes in the water - so to speak - than to sign up for a River Guide Training course. As it happens, here at Orion we have been operating, modifying and enhancing a comprehensive training program for more than four decades.

Hundreds of individuals, from all walks of life, from all over the country, have attended our 15 day river guide training over the span of those years. We’ve had teens and we’ve had sexagenarians. We’ve had firefighters and we’ve had software engineers. We’ve had folks who were home-schooled and folks with their doctorate degrees. We’ve had free spirits and those just looking to be free from the trappings of every day life.

Sign up to learn about river rafting and being a guide if you want to push your personal envelope, or expand your skill set, or you want to spend six months living a ‘dirtbag’ life and getting closer to nature.

Click here to make sure you have a spot in our program. Or give us a call to gain a little more insight into what it all entails.

There’s nothing. Absolutely nothing. Better than messing about in boats.